Science Section
of the
Central Library
Here in the Mobian Science
Section you'll find assorted information files regarding various
scientific aspects of Mobian life and technology. This isn't just
guess work either. All the ideas presented here are perfectly
sound, at least in my mind, otherwise they wouldn't be here.
- The Robotizizer
- It's an impressive piece of piece of work to be sure, but
just how does it work? Why did Bunnie life through only a
partial Robotization? How does it replace flesh with
metal? Good questions...this text has good answers.
Author: R
- Princess Sally has a portable computer that almost any
computer buff on Earth would kill to have. A computer you
can talk to, ahve it talk back and do a gazillion things
while it's doing it. But what powers it? Is NICOLE even
sentient by our definitions of the word? Read and find
out. Author: R
- Sonic's Speed
- Well, we all know that Sonic T. hedgehog is the fastest
living creature on Mobius. I mean Earth cheetahs don't
have anything on this guy. But did you ever wonder jsut
how he starts and stops so fast without killing himself?
How he performs tose lethal Sonic spins? And just how DO
Power Rings work? Once again...good questions...the text
has good answers. Author: R