Universe #1

All of the stories listed are protected under copyright law by
their respective authors
All of these stories are based on characters created by
Service and Games (SEGA), and on characters created by Archie
Comic Publications, Inc.

- Universe #1 as defined by myself,
Bookshire Draftwood. All stories listed here take place
on the same planet Mobius and are listed in chronological
- Character Profiles
- This file contains the profiles of three original
characters that I developed for my story series:
Bookshire Draftwood, Cmdr. Packbell, and Sandra
Nightweaver. Author: Bookshire Draftwood
- Happy Solstice
- A story that tells the true meaning of the Solstice
Holiday celebrated by Mobians everywhere. Todd and his
mother spend a happy solstice together a year before the
coup. Author: Bookshire Draftwood
- Capture the Flag
- From the author who brought us "Bloodlines"
comes this new story which tells of the lives of the
Freedom fighters BEFORE they were Freedom Fighters. It's
the time when they're 10 and the time when an
unforeseeable event forces them into maturity. Author: Dan
- First Honor
- The time of First Honor approaches. A time when Mobians
give thanks to their mothers for giving them life.
Unfortunately, Sonic's got a problem with it, and it's
driving everyone crazy. Author: Dan Drazen
- Bunnie Rabbot
- In this story we find how Bunnie Rabbot was first
robotizized. Author: Bookshire Draftwood
- Pangolin Problems
- IN this story, we meet Gabriel Williams. A creature who
confuses everyone in both Robotropolis and Knothole with
his ability to constantly change sides. Author: Michael
- Nano-Wars
- Robotnik has created microscopic nanites to infect and
kill the freedom fighters. Author: Michael Szal
- Ill Will
- Tails and Princess Sally are taken prisoner by Dr.
Robotnik. On top of that, Tails is seriously ill. Can
Sonic rescue them before it's too late? Author: Bookshire
- Merry Christmas
- In this story, originally written in Dec. '94, while the
freedom fighters celebrate the holidays, Robotnik's
forces have almost discovered the location of Knothole.
Author: Bookshire Draftwood
- Bloodlines
- It's the epic, 12 part adventure that held the attention
of the Sonic mailing list for weeks! Click on the title
to read this wonderful story. Author: Dan Drazen
- The Temporal Syndrome
- In this epic adventure, Sonic and Sally race through time
and space to save the planet of Mobius, not only from
Robotnik, but from a mysterious alien probe as well.
Author: Shawn Wolski
- A Matter of Trust
- Sonic gets a blast from the past when he bumps into an
old friend in Robotropolis. But this old friend's people
have got serious arguments with the house of Acorn and
they mean to settle them. Where do Sonic's loyalties lie,
and will this confrontation force Sally to defend the
honor of her heritage? Read on! Author: Dan Drazen
- On My Mother's Grave
- The freedom fighters meet a fox named Todd with a painful
past and a dept to repay. When Tails is kidnapped, he's
the first to go and rescue him...will he come back?
Bookshire Draftwood is writing a revision of this story
based on Kris Kelley's Originally work. No date has been
determined on when it will be available.
- The Storm
- The Freedom Fighters, Packbell, Robotnik, and Sandra
Nightweaver must all brace themselves for a worldwide
hurricane of intense proportions. They each deal with it
in their own way and have a couple near death experiences
along the way. Enjoy! Author: Bookshire Draftwood
- The Power of Love
- This is a story of romance. It's the story of Bunnie and
Rotor as they admit their love to one another. Author:
Bookshire Draftwood Co-Author: Morgan Ingersoll
- Space Case
- Another superb story from legendary (Yes, Dan, legendary)
Sonic fanfic author Dan Drazen! Check the Synopsis at the
beginning for detailed info! Author: Dan Drazen
- The Experiment
- In this story, the evil Packbell has developed a terrible
machine to unleash on the world. Will the Freedom
fighters be able to stop him from using it? Author:
Bookshire Draftwood
- The Body in Question
- It's the Freedom Fighters' latest attempt to derobotize
Bunnie...by using DNA records to reconstruct the
robotizized parts. Unfortunately, when Sonic screws up
and grabs the wrong DNA record...Bunnie gets someone
else's body...and she wants her old one back. Author: Dan
- Seeing Stars
- (Pre Doomsday) Mobius has unseen visitors, and Robotnik
has something that belongs to them, prompting one of them
to enlist the help of the Freedom Fighters to take it
away from him. Author: Pat Carson
- Sir Kain's Story
- The story of a human named Eric, dragged across time and
space to the world of Mobius due to a freak accident. How
will he adjust to his new life? Author: Eric Goodwin
- Starship Down
- An alien vulpine life form from a long dead planet
journeys to Mobius to explore and learn about the
inhabitants...but instead, eventually ends up staying a
*little* longer than he planned... Author: Joseph De
- The Ring of Truth
- The Alien vulpine known as Joseph settles into life in
the Great Forest, but events soon force him to realize a
number of secrets behind the origins of Robotization and
the legendary power rings... Author: Joseph De LaCroix
- This Island Floating
- YES! Knuckles' first appearance in Fanfiction. This story
might be slightly gruesome for younger readers and those
with very sensitive attitudes. It's a good story,
though, just the same. Author: Joseph De LaCroix
- My Brothers Keeper
- In this story we watch as Tails must overcome his
prejudice towards robots and adjust to the presence of
an artificial life form designed by Rotor and Bookshire.
Author: Shawn Wolski
- Evolution of a Predator
- In this story, we watch as the artificial life form, David
Prower works to improve himself in more ways than one.
Please read 'My Brother's Keeper' before reading this.
Author: Shawn Wolski
- Everything Changes
- Everything is right. Lotsa stuff happens here. Joseph and
Sonic come close to killing Snivelly, Packbell and some
aliens lurk in the background, and Joseph's experimenting
with a new body. Check it out. Author: Joseph De LaCroix
- Heart of Snow
- As the Winter Solstice approaches, Joseph and Sandra
Nightweaver meet for the first time. Is it love at first
sight? Don't ask me, read the story. Author: Joseph
De LaCroix
- A Cold Shoulder
- Joseph and Sandra are back, and Sally's not too happy
that they're together. Will she try to separate them or
come to understand that Sandra's changed her ways?
Author: Joseph De LaCroix
- Awakenings
- Knuckles pops up once again after he tries to get his
bearings after awakening in in Robotropolis after
Doomsday. Meanwhile, Joseph's at work on the
de-robotizizer while Sandra explores on her own and
considers her own feelings for Joseph. Author: Joseph De
- Lemonade
- Part One of Two: Rotor finds Sally's replica (from
'Hooked on Sonics', I believe) in a junk pile and wants
to rebuild her. Vision shows up in his own way to give
Sally advice on the subject. Read Part Two to see what
happens next... Author: Pat Carson
- Alicia
- Sally goes ahead with the rebuilding and Alicia must
endure what David Prower did when he was first created to
find acceptance among the freedom fighters. Author: Pat
- If I Only Had a Heart...
- Well, Alicia is accepted for the most part...but she's
still a bit too much of a robot. Vision and Joseph decide
they should do something about that... Author: Pat Carson
- Memories
- A continuation of awakenings. Joseph runs into some
problems with the de-robotizizer and takes a break to
tell Sandra about his complex past... Author: Joseph De
- Thirst
- Work on the de-robotizizer continues, but now Joseph's
starting to act strange, and a malfunction in his body
could result in him developing some dangerous
tendencies. Can Sandra protect herself from this
potential danger? Author: Joseph De LaCroix
- Tricky Situations
- Bunnie agonizes over the fact that the freedom fighters
seem to only user her as a tool when some heavy lifting
needs doing. In the meantime, Joseph's de-robotizizer is
ready for testing. Will it be the answer to Bunnie's
prayers? Author: Joseph De LaCroix
- Regeneration
- Life in Knothole proceeds normally. Bunnie enjoys her new
life with her real body, and Tails has questions about
lots of things. The peace gets shattered, however, when a
sudden accident puts the future of Tails' tails in
jeopardy. Meanwhile, an old enemy may be on the verge of
returning. Author: Joseph De LaCroix
- Complications
- Tails remains in recovery while Bunnie and Sally agonize
over blame. Meanwhile, Sandra and Joseph learn the truth
about the dire future that awaits Mobius and it falls
into the hands of Sandra alone to decide how it'll all
turn out... Author: Joseph De LaCroix
- The Verdict
- Sandra is driven into depression and frustration over the
important decision she must make which will decide the
fate of Mobius. Meanwhile, Tails continues his recover
while Sally and Sonic over which one of them has to give
him 'the talk'. Also, Mobius' enemies continue to plot
and plan... Author: Joseph De LaCroix
- Pawns
- Joseph and Sandra plan carefully based on the decision
they made about Mobius, carefully lining up everything
needed to succeed. Meanwhile, Tails finally gets his cast
taken off as he begins the next phase of his recovery
from his accident a few stories ago. Author: Joseph De
- Reawakenings
- Todd has returned. For those of you who don't know the
name, read "On my Mother's grave" by Kris
Kelley. In either case, when Tails is agonizing over the
death of his friend, David Prower develops a plan to
bring Todd back to life. Author: Bookshire Draftwood
Co-author: Craig Fox
- Orcium
- Tails is getting frustrated that he can't go on any of
the missions, and so he goes for a walk in the forest.
When he meets a strange wolf with strange candy, his
world turns upside down. Author: Bookshire Draftwood
Creative Consultant: Craig Fox
- Ascension
- As the months pass, Sally and the Freedom Fighters still
continue to rebuild the planet while steadily fighting
against Packbell. meanwhile, Joseph and Sandra finally
take their relationship to a more personal and more
intimate level. Afterwards, an terrible storm and a
tragic accident causes Joe to believe that maybe science
isn't always the answer... On top of that...we find that
other forces...beyond our comprehension are also at work
within the planet and without... Author: Joseph De
- Summer Days
- Joe and Sandra...and actually most of Knothole...spend
their day recovering from the violent storm that swept
through. However, a storm of a different kind approaches
in which bitter enemies meet, traitors are discovered,
and Princess Sally has to choose between life and
death... Author: Joseph De LaCroix
- A Vixen's Thoughts
- It's late at night...Sandra has trouble sleeping. She
wanders through Knothole, pondering her life, her past,
and the world around her... Author: Bookshire Draftwood
- Interlude
- The summer heat invades the planet while the war against
Packbell rages ever forward, while Joe works on his
powers, Sandra watches a movie, and the plot of this
entire saga continues to build. Author: Joseph De LaCroix
- Solitude
- The war against Packbell rages on as Robotropolis collapses around him. The invasion of Mobius draws nearer
and nearer. And Joseph fine tunes the skills he's
developed. Meanwhile, Bunnie ponders the fate of the
children of Mobius, and Sandra dreams of better
times...with a family. Author: Joseph De LaCroix
- Apocalypse: The Prelude
- It's here, Mobians. The climax of Joseph De LaCroix's
first Epic. The fate of all the lives of Mobius is about
to be decided on the Eve of the Winter Solstice. This is
only Part One. The ending will keep you on the edge of
your seat so be patient waiting for Part Two! Author:
Joseph De LaCroix
- Apocalypse
- This is it. The final story. The ending of a great series
of stories that will wrap up all the loose ends... the
danger to Mobius and the fates of Robotnik, Snivelly,
Sally, Sandra, Joseph, Sonic and all the others...
However, one series' ending is the beginning for another.
Life goes on and adventure always comes with it. My
information tells me that Joseph isn't finished
writing...more adventures are on the horizon. Keep
reading. Author: Joseph De LaCroix
- Joseph De LaCroix's Page
- Click here to jump to Joseph's story page for the
continuing adventures mentioned above.